Sunday, 8 April 2007

The 12 Joseph hopefuls - a crying game!

What a load of big softies! The "Josephs" were worse than the girls when it came to the emotional bits - of which there were many - I've never seen so many men crying in a tv show before!

Tonight's programme was slightly better, though still not nearly enough coverage of the boys singing. It's pretty impossible to make any predictions when all you're hearing is Graham Norton's voiceover throughout the whole show.

From the bits I have managed to glean though, my favourite at the moment is Rob The Builder. I love the fact that he hasn't had formal training - and that he's the sexiest Joseph on the show.

It was nice to see Jason Donovan making an appearance, he really was fantastic in the West End and the boys could learn heaps from him. I reckon that the big test in the vocals is the end of "Close Every Door". None of them really went for it and I hope it comes up in the live shows. I remember being really disappointed when Philip Schofield played the lead, and looked like he wasn't going to attempt the high note, and then a few minutes later he did it in the reprise. It was amazing!

Roll on next week, when the real talent will hopefully shine through.

12 Finalists:
Chris B
Chris C

1 comment:

Wolf Man said...

Hey Dancey ! Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. You are of course right, so many guys crying and what with the panel as well. The prog should be renamed "How do you solve a problem like guys crying". Still, it will be very interesting viewing over the next few weeks. Do I note in your blog a little twinkle in the eye for Rob ? Ha Ha.

Despite the posturing in the ranks from some of the others, he seems exceptionally ordinary with no aires or graces. Oh, and he has a very good voice too which helps.

I will keep an eye on your interesting blog, good luck.... bye for now.